What is text edit
What is text edit

what is text edit

Rich text, on the other hand, may contain metadata, character formatting data (e.g. In the early days of computers, plain text was displayed using a monospace font, such that horizontal alignment and columnar formatting were sometimes done using whitespace characters.

what is text edit

Plain text is stored in text files, although text files do not exclusively store plain text.

what is text edit

Plain text contains no other information about the text itself, not even the character encoding convention employed. These conventions define many printable characters, but also non-printing characters that control the flow of the text, such as space, line break, and page break. Each character is represented by a fixed-length sequence of one, two, or four bytes, or as a variable-length sequence of one to four bytes, in accordance to specific character encoding conventions, such as ASCII, ISO/IEC 2022, UTF-8, or Unicode. Plain text exclusively consists of character representation. This can be quicker than looking up a word in a dictionary.There are important differences between plain text (created and edited by text editors) and rich text (such as that created by word processors or desktop publishing software). Use the Down Arrow key to find the word you want, then press Return to have TextEdit complete the word for you. Let’s say you need to type the word “transcendence.” Start typing the first few letters, such as “tran.” Press Option-Escape, and an auto-complete menu displays. Tired of typing out long words? Do you have doubts about how a long word is spelled? Save time using OS X’s auto-complete feature in TextEdit. Type faster with auto-complete Use Auto-Complete to make it easier to type (and spell) long words. Bear in mind that any item you add to a TextEdit file makes the file larger, so if you want to send it by email, be careful not to put in too much.Ħ. Just drag any file into a TextEdit document. So if you want to do any of these, you need to do so before adding the photo.īut you can also add videos, music files, and more. Unlike in most word processors, you won’t be able to tweak your image: You can’t crop it, resize it, rotate it, or apply shadows or borders. When you do this, TextEdit will ask if you want to convert the file to RTFD format accept this change. Just drag a photo into your TextEdit document, where you’d like it to be. You might want to add photos you’ve taken to remind you of what the final dish should look like. Let’s say you’re creating a document with a recipe.

what is text edit

That means you can add photos, videos, music files, and even applications. TextEdit’s default RTF format is a special file format called Rich Text Format Directory, which is a bundle, or a type of folder that can contain text and files. Choose File > Duplicate, and then File > Save and choose the format. If you’ve already saved an RTF document, you’ll need to duplicate it before changing the format. Save TextEdit documents in a format that Microsoft Word users-even on Windows-can read. If you’re not sure which to choose, Word 97-as old as it is-is probably the safest. Choose Save, then, from the Save dialog box, click the File Format menu and choose one of the Word formats. But you can also save a file in a specific Word format. If your document is in Rich Text Format, then it’s an RTF document, which Word, or just about any other word processor, can read. TextEdit will know that you’ve clicked a link, and will convert it into a blue, underlined, active link. Then right-click or control-click and choose Make Link. To make an active link, paste the link and click or select it. But, if you paste a link in TextEdit, it won’t be active. If you’re writing a document that has links to webpages in it, it’s often best that these links be active when the reader clicks them, you want the webpage to open in a browser. Add active links Make an active link quickly in TextEdit. When you’ve finished brainstorming, select all your list items, then choose Format > List to choose another type of bullet or numbering.ģ. Press Option-Tab, either at the beginning of a line, or at any location in a paragraph, and that text will change to an indented list paragraph preceded by a hyphen. If you don’t see a toolbar with formatting buttons, choose Format > Make Rich Text, or press Command-T.)īut if you just want a simple list that uses hyphens, or if you want to do some quick brainstorming and then format your list later, here’s a tip that will save you a lot of time. (Note: You need to be in Rich Text mode to make lists. You can also choose list styles from the List bullets and numbering button in the toolbar. If you need to make a list-a to-do list, or an outline-you can choose from a number of list styles from the Format > List menu.

What is text edit